- 1. When you export a transport request in the Workbench or the Customizing organizer (Transaction SE01, SE09, SE10):
- 2. When you import one or more transport requests on the operating system level with tp:
tp does not close even after a long waiting period.
In the section Solution, you find a description on how the symptoms vary in detail for the different error scenarios, and the suitable solution for each case.
Examine the SLOG file in the transport directory first and compare your error scenario with the situations described here before you consider one of the solutions.
Other terms
Reason and Prerequisites
This problem is due to various causes.
- 1. Symptom:
- a) The last line in the SLOG file that starts with "START" or "STOP" has the form
START tp_getprots ......
- b) After the above line, you find in the SLOG file, and in addition to further messages, a line of the form:
Background job not running properly. Function: ... Jobcount: ... Status: S
This line can occur repeatedly.
In this case, refer to Note 26966.
- 2. Symptom:
- a) The last line in the SLOG file that starts with "START" or "STOP" has the form
START tp_getprot.......
- b)
If you log on as the DDIC user in the client 000 of the SAP System and
start the RDDIMPDP report, the system generates error message PU029:
Using transaction SM37 (job overview), check whether all jobs displayed as "Active" are actually active.
- a) Log on as the DDIC user to client 000.
- b) Call transaction SM37.
- c) Choose the selections:
User: DDIC
Selection date: leave these fields empty
Only jobs with the status 'Active'.
- d) For the resulting list, check the job status for each entry. You will find this function under the option "Job".
- e)
If you find a job that does not run even though it is displayed as
"Active" in the status, reset this job to "Terminated" as suggested.
- f)
If the transport control program (tp) continued to run during these
examinations, the transport control program will continue its work after
this correction. Otherwise, start the transport control program with
the same parameters as during the last call for which you noticed
hanging transports. If you do not know the parameters or are not sure,
start the following call:
tp getprots <SID>
- 3. Symptom:
- a) The last line in the SLOG file that starts with "START" or "STOP" has the form
START tp_getprot.......
- b) After the above line, you find in the SLOG file, and in addition to further messages, a line of the form:
Background job not running properly. Function: ... Jobcount: ... Status: Y
This line can occur repeatedly.
Log on to the SAP system as the DDIC user. Call transaction SM37. Enter the following search criteria:
Job name: RDD*
User: DDIC
Selection date: leave these fields empty
Only jobs with status "Ready".
If an entry is found, position the cursor on the job name and use the menu item "Job -> Display" and on the following screen the menu item "Process -> Job details". On the following screen, you find the ID number of the job. Compare this number to the number which is referred to as "Jobcount" in the above SLOG message. (If several jobs were selected, examine all jobs this way). If the ID number should match the Jobcount entered, an unexpected status is contained in the batch system.
This status could indicate a permanent error in the batch system. Refer to Note: 37104.
If the unexpected status of the entire batch system was only temporary, then you can solve the problem for the transport as follows:
- a) To maintain the TRJOB table, use Transaction SM31.
- b) Select the entry which matches the above SLOG message concerning the value "Function" and "Jobcount". Delete this entry.
- c)
If the transport control program continued running during these
examinations and did not make any progress due to the temporary problem
in the batch system, the transport control program (tp) will continue
its work as soon as you have corrected the above error. Otherwise, start
the transport control program with the same parameters as during the
last call for which you noticed hanging transports. If you do not know
the parameters or are not sure, start the following call:
tp getprots <SID>
- 4. Symptom:
- a) The last line in the SLOG file that starts with "START" or "STOP" has the form
START tp_getprot.......
- b) After the above line, you find in the SLOG file, and in addition to further messages, a line of the form:
Background job not running properly. Function: ... Jobcount: ... Status: P
This line can occur repeatedly.
- a)
Check the authorizations of the DDIC user in client 000 and in the
client to which you want to import the transport. Logon to both clients
as a DDIC user and execute the RDDNEWPP report (transaction SA38 or
SE38). If the report does not end with the success message:
PU006 Background job ... was successfully ... scheduled in the client.
the authorizations of the DDIC user must then be enhanced in the respective client.
- b)
To do this, logon to the respective client under a user that is
authorized for user maintenance. Change the authorizations of the DDIC
user in user maintenance (Transaction SU01). Give the DDIC user the
authorization for scheduling and starting background jobs. We deliver
the authorization S_BTCH_ALL and S_BTCH_ADM (depending on the release)
for this.
- c) Log on to the SAP system as the DDIC user. Call transaction SM37. Enter the following search criteria:
User: DDIC
Selection date: leave these fields empty
Only jobs with statuses "Scheduled".
- d)
If an entry is found, position the cursor on the job name, and use the
menu item "Job -> Display" and on the following screen the menu item
"Process -> Job details". On the following screen, you find the ID
number of the job. Compare this number to the number which is referred
to as "Jobcount" in the above SLOG message. (If several jobs were
selected, examine all jobs this way). If the ID number matches the
specified job count, delete this job.
- e) Position the cursor in the list of the selected jobs on the job to be deleted, and choose "Job ->Delete".
- f)
If the transport control program (tp) continued to run during these
examinations, the transport control program will continue its work after
this correction. Otherwise, start the transport control program with
the same parameters as during the last call for which you noticed
hanging transports. If you do not know the parameters or are not sure,
start the following call:
tp getprots <SID>
- 5. Symptom:
- a) The last line in the SLOG file that starts with "START" or "STOP" has the form
START tp_getprot.......
- b)
If you log on as the DDIC user in client 000 of the SAP System and
start the RDDIMPDP report, the system generates the following message
- a) Log on as the DDIC user to client 000.
- b) To maintain the TRBAT table, use Transaction SM31.
- c) Check whether you can find the following entries in the table:
At least one additional entry that has the same value as the first entry in the field "Fct." and that has the value "8888" or "9999" in the "Return code" field.
- d) For the first entry ("HEADER"), change the value in the "Return code" field from "F" to "B", and save this change.
- e)
If the transport control program (tp) continued to run during these
examinations, the transport control program will continue its work after
this correction. Otherwise, start the transport control program with
the same parameters as during the last call for which you noticed
hanging transports. If you do not know the parameters or are not sure,
start the following call:
tp getprots <SID>
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