
What is Transport Layers and Transport Routes in SAP ( TMS )

All development projects developed in the same SAP System and transported on the same transport routes are grouped together to form a transport layer
Before you start the first development project, you create a transport layer in the TMS transport route editor. This transport layer is assigned to the development system as its standard transport layer. Objects delivered by SAP belong to the transport layer "SAP". Other transport layers are generally only needed when new development systems are included in the system group.
After you have set up the transport layer you set up the transport routes. There are two types of transport routes. First, you set up consolidation routes, and then you set up delivery routes:
  1. Consolidation routes
  2. To make your changes transportable, set up a consolidation route for each transport layer. Specify your development system as the starting point (source) of these consolidation routes. Specify the quality assurance system as the transport target (in a two-system landscape, specify the production system as the transport target).
  3. Delivery routes
After you have imported your development work into the quality assurance system, you then want to transport it into your production system.( Quality as source & Production as target) You may even want to transport it into several SAP Systems (for example, additional training systems). To do this, you have to set up delivery routes.
Delivery routes have a source system and a target system.
When you set up a delivery route, you are making sure that all change requests that are imported into the route’s source system are automatically flagged for import into the route’s target system.
You can set up several delivery routes with the same source system and different target systems (parallel forwarding). You can also set up delivery routes in sequence (multilevel forwarding).
CTS transport control makes sure that all requests from the development system are flagged for import into all other SAP Systems in the same order in which they were exported. This is important, since different requests can contain the same Repository object or the same Customizing setting at different development levels, and you must avoid overwriting a more recent version with an older version.

What is transport domain controller in SAP

SAP Transport Domain Controller acts as a leader for all the systems within a transport domain


The transport domain contains all SAP systems whose transports are to be administrated jointly. One of these SAP systems is chosen as the transport domain controller.
Since all activities relevant to the entire transport domain, such as configuring transport routes or RFC connections, can only be carried out on the domain controller, the SAP system selected to be the domain controller should have:

High availability
A high level of security
A high level of maintenance

The domain controller is normally configured on a production system or a quality assurance system. Out of several reasons, you may choose to set up an SAP System dedicated to tasks that may be carried out centrally. This includes the task of the TMS domain controller.
The system load on the SAP system that is chosen as the domain controller is low, and only increases for a short period when the TMS configuration is changed.


SAP Transport Management System Configuration Step By Step

I have 3 systems Production(SLP) Quality(SLQ) & Development (SLD) step by step i will tell you how to configure TMS for them

 Step 1- assign transport domain here I am assigning SLP as transport domain Goto T-Code STMS

Step 2- you will get popup, enter details as shown in below image in both boxes domain is SLP and then press Save

Step 3- you will get below screen after saving then press System Overview

Step 4- Click on update configuration 

Step 5- Click on Distribute & activate configuration

Step 6- select first option &click on Green tick

Step 7- Now Go to anther system which is Quality (SLQ) and hit STMS in SLQ elow popup will come their

Step 8-Click on other configuration

Step 9- enter target host as oup domain controller which is SLP in my case

Step 10- Click on Save

Step 11- you will get below screen with below message

Step 12- Now again goto STMS of SLP which is our domain controller to approve newly added system (SLQ)

Step 13- Click on system overview

Step 14- you will find newly added system which is SLQ in my case

Step 14- Click on newly added system and press approve

Step 15- Click on YES

Step 17- Click on Green tick

Step 18- you will find same status for both

Step 19- you will find same status for both means system is added successfully to transport domain

Repeat Step 7 to Step 18 to add third system which is SLD in my case

you will find below 3 system in System overview of SLP (Transport Domain ) after adding 3rd system (SLD)

Creating Transport Routes For TMS

Step 20- in transport domain controller  (SLP) Click on Transport Routes

Step 21-Click on Display Change

Step 22-Click on Change

Step 23-Click on Transport route editor

Step 24-Click on Hierarchical list editor and press enter

Step 25-you will find below screen

Step 26-Click on Display Change

Step 27-Click on Change

Step 28-Droll down Transport Layer by clicking on + mark

Step 29-Click on right click on transport layers and select create option

Step 30-enter transport layer name and description,  transport layer name should start with Z

Step 31- then right Click on transport route and select create option

Step 32-Select Consolidation and enter Development(SLD) & quality system (SLQ) and layer(ZABC) then click on green tick

Step 33-you can see both systems are added

Step 34-again right click on transport route and select create

Step 35-this time click on select delivery and enter quality (SLQ) and production (SLP) system and click on green tick

Step 36-you can see all 3 systems in transport route; now click on SAVE

Step 37-Give short description and enter

Step 38-Distribute & activate configuration

Step 39-your TMS is created  and active

SAP Basis Interview Questions

1. What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?
2. How you will do client copy?
3. If SAP* is not available then how u will do?
4. After client copy is table space and database sizes will be increased or not?
5. How to do client copy fast?
6. What are various profiles available for client copy?
7. How to do transport’s between Production and Development?
8. How to apply OCS Patches?
9. How to do client copy?
10. How to do transports from OS level?
11. Where the transport data files will be placed?
12. How to make security authorization reports?
13. In which table failed user login attempts will be there?
14. How to see the t able entry values?
15. How you will give new authorizations?
16. Have you participated in Kernel upgrading and OCS Patches?
17. Have you done any up gradations?
18. How to configure TMS?
19. What is transport domain?
20. What is Consolidation route and delivery routes? How you will identify them?
21. Transport error codes and their description?
22. The transaction should not be displayed in User Easy access menu. How to do user auditing in sap? What will u audit?
23. How to find users used transaction codes which are not authorized for?
24. How to schedule online and offline backup which takes every day, every week. How to monitor it
25. How will u send mail after completion of backup?
26. How will u integrate existing ecc6 environment into solution manager
27. What are the regular activities u do in solution manager and how
28. How to update SAP
29. How to lock or unlock a transaction code using sm01?
30. How to setup RFC connection in ecc6 tells me steps involved?
31. Tell me steps for support pack installation in ecc6?
32. If possible send me screenshot doc for installation of ecc6
33. Screenshot document for solution manager installation.
34. What is the database backup strategy in your company?
35. What is upgrade process? And how u will do that?
36. How u will give new authorizations?
37. How to adjust user master records? If user master record doesn’t adjust what will you do?
38. How to check Kernel, tp versions?
39. Briefly explain a recent problem you faced, which u felt proud by solving that? And how will u solved?
40. How you will rate yourself in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1 – 10?
41. What are common background jobs that will run in your system?
42. If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally then what actions will u take?
43. How to schedule background jobs at OS level?
44. How to add authorizations, how you will maintain profiles?
45. What are common transport errors and their codes?
46. Transport request types and its syntax?
47. Where will u find transport error logs?
48. How to do transport at OS level?
49. How to transport objects from Production to Development?
50. How to define instances and operation modes?
51. What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and
52. How you will do that?
53. What is oracle Architecture?
54. At OS level in which directory oracle alerts are stored?
55. If a lock entry is holding more than 24 hours then what will you
56. Do? If another user wants to share that lock but the user using that
57. Locks haven’t released lock he went for holiday what will u do? This
58. User wants lock ASAP then what will u do?
59. What will you do if u got Update failure?
60. What will you observe in System log (SM21)?
61. How to increase tables space, resizing, backups and when will you do?
62. Various client copy methods and how you will do them?
63. How you will get help from OSS notes?
64. What is the need of having Development system?
65. Difference between Application server and Central Instance?
66. How you will check whether database is active or not from OS level?
67. How to lock a client? How to delete a client?
68. How to login in to SAP from command level?
69. How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing?
70. How to find sap transaction codes?
71. How to find list all the T codes for a role in sap?
72. How to lock or unlock a client a sap?
73. Find the oracle alert log?
74. How can I delete a data file that was created by mistake?
75. Which pools are resizable?
76. User could not logon to the system? Why?
77. How to change default client like 111?
78. What is difference between oracle 9i and oracle 10g?
79. What is the difference between pfile and spfile?
80. How to add datafile using brtools?what are steps?
81. If brtools is not working how you will add datafile?
82. If job is slow?
83. List of r/3 user types?
84. How to unlock the object?
85. Difference between SPAD and SPAU?
86. What is SSO? How to configure SSO?
87. How to check cpu usage in EP?
88. If java is down how you will do trouble shooting?
89. How to take back up on EP?
90. How to apply job on OS Level?
91. Difference between system refresh and client copy?
92. Where you have to see oracle parameter?
93. How database extend?
94. If table space auto extend size how to see the size?
95. Difference between RFC and Export and import?
96. What are steps for DB Refresh?
97. What are the Pre- requisite for system copy?
98. How to fiind if there are an expensive SQL statements running if yes, What to do?
99. A transport is imported into QAS in 2 min. time the same transport when imported into PRD is taking more than 20 min. why? What to do?
100. How do you solve oracle archive struck?
101. What are the table space names that you see in DB02?
102. What are the Parameters need to be set when connecting EP to r/3 system what are they?
103. TMS Configuration?
104. Do you have done System copy? What are the steps?
105. What are the DVD’s Download for implementation?
106. Difference between visual admin and configtool?
107. What is the difference between SDM and JSPM?
108. When support pack is stuck? What you do?
109. What are the errors you got while applying support pack?
110. Difference between SAPNote and Support package?
111. How you apply patches on java using JSPM?
112. Problem in SPAM taking lot of time? Why?
113. How you will define background job? Which job class used?
114. While applying support patch or importing DDIC will get stuck what you do?
115. If transport is imported or not where you will check?
116. Kernel upgradation procedure?
117. While doing implementation do you get any issues?
118. Where the log files are stored?
119. How many files to download for kernel upgrade?
120. What kind of ABAP dumps errors you faced and how to resolve?
121. During backup what kind of files you take?
122. Error in the phase import_proper while applying support packages?
123. If client copy is stopped in middle, what happens if you want to start it again?
124. How you will do client copy if sap* user is not available at all in your system then how you will do client copy?
125. What is transport layer and domain controller? In which system you have create domain control?
126. How you will find if table is over flow in DB?
127. How to applay support patches? Pre- requisites?
128. What are the types of tranports?
129. How do you troubleshoot transport problem?
130. If you have a long running job how do you analyze?
131. Difference between system copy and client copy?
132. How you connect ECC to EP?
133. What is redolog file? Path?
134. Where can I get a list of all transaction codes in SAP?
135. For ex: i scheduled one ABAP program as a background job but it was running 10 days, how to analyze the problem?
136. Applied basis support pack successfully when the system which is not updated in the system status? Why? How to resolve?
137. Where you monitor the PI messages?
138. What is the sequence order of instance profile?
139. What are the pre requisite for the SAP Installation?
140. How do you create control file? What is the command?
141. Difference between synchronous RFC and asynchronous RFC?
142. What are the activities you done in Oracle?
143. What is logical system?
144. Have you done load balancing?
145. What is the SAP Buffer hit ration?
146. What are the parameter file in oracle ? What is the use?
147. Difference between init.ora and listener.ora?
148. Have you done any parameter changes using configtool and visual admin tool?
149. What are the activities you done in EP?
150. How you create solmon key? Procedure?
151. Did you configure automatic mail send and receive? How?
152. How to know the status of saposcol in unix? How to stop and start?
153. How to find SAP up or not in Unix? What is the command?
154. How you find listener up or not in unix?
155. What is SLD and its usage?
156. If java server got strucked or stopped?
157. Where XML file is generated in solution manager?
158. How to add sap systems in solution manager? Steps?
159. How to find file system with size in unix?
160. To check if sap work processes are running?
161. To check if oracle processes are running?
162. Last step of kernel upgrade in unix Root.sh?
163. What is OPS$ mechanism?
164. Database related issues?
165. If Background job active long time ?
166. Difference between shutdown abort and shutdown immediate?
167. Difference between DB Verify and DB Check?
168. If user admin password forgot? What you do?
169. Type of client copies?
170. How will you do a local client copy? Just tell us up to the point where you monitor the progress. What if SAP* user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
171. What is the difference between R/3 and ECC?
172. What is the purpose of table USR02?
173. How can you tell if a transport is in the process of being imported?
174. Will a client copy transfer the background job schedules and all client dependent data?
175. How do you change five dialog work processes into batch. Where can you do this?
176. How to monitor user accessed transactions (T-code) on a given day?
177. How do you disable the “Import All” button on STMS for the queues?
178. How do you create a password exception list?
179. When you are Locking/Unlocking accounts what happens behind the scenes? Why is the good to know?
180. What are the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?
181. Where are t-code name and program values stored? How can I find a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system?
182. What is the purpose of table T000?
183. How would you estimate the client size?
184. Tell me two ways to check kernel, tp.exe version?
185. Users are complaining that the SAP system shows a hour glass for a long time at the time of logon and they aren’t able to log on to the system and users logged on are complaining of long delays going from t-code to t-code. How can you troubleshoot this problem if you can’t get to SM50 or SM66 or even logon? Why is this?
186. How would you import a transport request at operating system Level?
187. What is difference between sm50 and sm66?
188. What is “Hit Ratio”?
189. What is BEx?
190. What is your UNIX experience and the types of UNIX systems you have worked on.
191. Describe your last/current company’s landscape, similar to what you would find in STMS>Transport Routes.
192. What is swap?
193. Performance tuning?
194. What are the activities you do as a basis consultant in BI?
195. If you want check java stack level?
196. Client export/ import pre-requisite?
197. Consider a client 800 this client having 75 users but 15 users account was locked, I want to unlock this 15 users account at a time how you do?
198. Incase my sap system was down (users are unable to login to sap system) how to analyze this problem?
199. What are the activities you done in PI?
200. EWA configuration?
201. Oracle up gradation procedure?

Oracle set database in archivelog mode

  • How to find out whether current archive mode in Oracle?
  • How to connect to SQL in Oracle?
  • How to find out whether archive mode is on or off in Oracle?
  • How to enable archive log mode in Oracle?
  • How to disable archive log mode in Oracle ?
  • What are the steps to be followed in Oracle to change archive log mode?
  • How to shut down the Oracle database?
  • How to startup the Oracle database in mount mode?

How to find out current archive mode in Oracle?
Open  SQLPlus command line and provide the following command to find out the archive mode in Oracle.
SQL > select  log_mode from v$database;

It outputs similar to as shown below if the database is in no archive mode.

Steps to be followed in Oracle to Change the archive log mode

1)      Connect to SQL plus
How to connect to SQL ?
First login to the database server using orasid user
             Then connect to sqlplus as follows
sqlplus /nolog
conn /as sysdba

Then you will be connected to database and SQL prompt appears as below:

2)     Find out the current archive log mode by providing below command as explained earlier:
SQL > select  log_mode from v$database;

3)     If current archive log is NO ARCHIVE LOG mode and if you would like to set to ARCHIVE LOG mode, first of all shut down the oracle database.
How to shutdown Oracle database?
Proceed as follows to shutdown the database
           SQL > shutdown immediate;
            Please wait for a while and system brings down  the Oracle database and SQL prompt   

4)     Please note database should be in mount mode while changing the archive log mode in Oracle.
How to start the Oracle database in Mount mode?
Start the database in mount mode as shown below :
SQL> startup mount
An output similar to below will appear:
ORACLE Instance started
Total System Area  xxxxxxxx  bytes
Fixed size                     xxxxxx bytes
Variable size              xxxxxxx bytes
Database buffers            xxxxx bytes
Redo buffers                     xxxx bytes
Database mounted

5)     Now since database is mounted provide the following command at SQL      

SQL > alter database archivelog;
Once this command is given System prompts you with a message “Database altered”

Please note : For example, if you would like to set the database in NO ARCHIVE LOG mode ( or disable archive log mode ) then command should be
SQL > alter database  noarchivelog;

6)     Now open the database using the following command
SQL > alter database open ;
After this system prompts you with a message “Database altered” confirming that the data base opened

7)     Now cross check the current archive mode using the command below
SQL > select  log_mode from v$database;
If you have enabled archive log mode then system prompts with a message like

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