
Logical Volume Manager (LVM). Part II

In the first part of the article about LVM I described the structure and basic configuration files. The second part will focus on  LVM configuration commands.

Create Volume Group vg01:
  1. Find free disks. Useful commands:
    - ioscan-funC disk -lists the drives in the system,
    - insf-C disk -creates device files to disk (if there was),
    bdf -list of mounted file systems (helps define engaged wheels)
    swapinfo-d -displays the disks and filesystems, used as a swap area
    strings/etc/lvmtab -list existing volume group and drives in them
    vxdisk list -a list of drives employed in VxVM (another system/disk management).
  2. Check the availability and integrity of the selected disks. For example,/dev/dsk/c0t1d0:
    1. diskinfo/dev/rdsk/c1t1d2 -information about the disk
    2. dd if =/dev/rdsk/c1t1d2 of =/dev/null bs = 1024 k -read the contents of a disk, a
      search for "bad blocks".
  3. Prepare disks by creating them physical volumes (PV):
    pvcreate-f/dev/rdsk/c1t1d2 for slow disks, you can specify a larger timeout by adding the
    option "-t 180".
  4. Create a directory and a control file (group special file):
    1. mkdir/dev/vg01
    2. chmod 755/dev/vg01
    3. mknod/dev/vg01/group c 64 0x010000 the control file is always character type-c
      major (major) always-64 and younger (minor) is encoded 0xhh0000, where hh is a unique
      hexadecimal number of the VG
    4. chown-R root: sys/dev/vg01
    5. chmod 640/dev/vg01/group
  5. Create A Volume Group:
    vgcreate/dev/vg01/dev/dsk/c1t1d2 if multiple disks, then scroll through the gap. 
    A set
     of parameters that can be set:
    -s 1-256 ( default  4 MB ) the size of the physical extent (pieces that are distributed)
     1-255 ( default 255 ) the maximum number of PV 
    -l 1-255 ( default 255 ) the maximum number of LV,
    -e 1-65535 (default, 1016  which corresponds to 4 GB) is the maximum number of physical
    extents on disk (physical). 
    Is very important and is set depending on the size of the volume
    by the formula: PV size < >/< > size of the extent.

    Does not change in the future, making it impossible to add more disks larger than the original,
    in the Volume Group
  6. View VG settings command:
    - vgdisplay vg01
Now you can create the Logical volume: lvol1
  1. Reserve the name:
    - lvcreate-n lvol1 vg01
  2. Expand the LV to the desired size by selecting what disk in VG:
     lvextend-L 200/dev/vg01/lvol1/dev/dsk/c1t1d2 the key-L Specifies the size, in MB
     and the key-l specifies the size in extents. 
    Be careful.
  3. You can set additional parameters:
    lvchange-a y | n/dev/vg01/lvol1 -resolution | ban on the use of LV.
    lvchange-p r | w/dev/vg01/lvol1 -the right to "read-only" | " read-write when using a
      Logical Volume
    lvchange-r y | n | N/dev/vg01/lvol1 -options for working with "bad blocks": move the
     "bad blocks" | does not move and I/O error | disables the mechanism for the use of disk array,
     for example.
  4. Show volume settings you can command: lvdisplay/dev/vg01/lvol1
You can create a Logical Volume in a single command lvcreate, immediately indicating the size,
but the above sequence of commands allows you to specify which drive of the VG will be a LV
This adds flexibility when creating.

Use Logical Volume lvol1:
  • As the file system:
    1. newfs-F vxfs/dev/vg01/rlvol1
    2. mkdir/data
    3. mount/dev/vg01/lvol1/data
    4. vi/etc/fstab -add a file system to mount after reboot.
  • As a swap area:
    1. swapon/dev/vg01/lvol1
    2. vi/etc/fstab -add to use after the reboot.
Before using read the documentation man:

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