In order to add a tempfile into the mounted opened Oracle RDBMS:
Login to database command line as sysdba
SQL> connect /as sysdba
'PATH_TO_TABLESPACE_FILE' size 32000M reuse;
'/oracle/SID/sapdata2/temp_2/temp.data2' size 32000M reuse;
'/oracle/SID/sapdata3/temp_3/temp.data3' size 32000M reuse;
'/oracle/SID/sapdata4/temp_4/temp.data4' size 32000M reuse;
This was an easiest way how to add tempfile into Oracle TEMP tablespace.
SAP R/3 How to perform Kernel Upgrade
BI | Software | Version | Patch | CRM | EP |
BI3.1 | 4.7EE | 620 | 674 | CRM 4.0 | |
BI3.5 | ECC 5.0 | 640 | CRM 5.0 | EP 5, EP6 | |
BI 7.0 | ECC 6.0 | 700 | CRM2007 | EP 7.0 |
Or run TCODE SM51 and look for the release notes.
Goto System/Status
Hardware | 32bit or 64bit |
OS | Windows 2003, Linux, Solaris AIX 5.3 AIX6.1 OS390 AIX400 |
Database | Oracle 8, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10G, DB2 8x, 9x, DB4 8x,9x, DB6, SQL Server 2000,2005,2008 Max Db 9.0X, 8.0X |
Unicode/Non Unicode | 4.7 is Non Unicode, ECC6 SR3 is Unicode, All other versions (ECC 5.0 etc) are available in Unicode and non Unicode versions |
- Shutdown SAP Server, stop all SAP and Oracle services
- Copy D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run to D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run_old
- Create D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run_new directory and copy all the above files into the run_new directory 4.Rename SAPCAR.EXE in run_new to OLDSAPCAR.EXE
- Change to run_new directory and Run d:> OLDSAPCAR.EXE –xvf SARFile one file at a time. Need to execute this command three times, one for each SAR file.
- Copy/Overwrite all files except the above 4 files from run_new to run directory
- Restart the services a.TnsListner b.Oracle<SID> c.SAP<SID>_IN#> Central Instance d.SAPOSCOL e.SAP<SID>_<IN#> Dialog Instances
- Start SAP CI, DIs 9.If any problems arise check the instance profiles 10.Verify the installation using TCODE SICK
n the below screen you will see the SAP System Kernel information.
In this screen you will see
- Kernel information
- Database information
- System information.
SAP Release Information from Server. In this screen
SAP Release Information
SAP R/3 kernel information
SAP R/3 Kernel
Database Client Library
SAP Add On Pluggin installation using SAINT
SAP Addon installation tool
SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) was developed to enable users to install and upgrade add-ons directly from their SAP system. These add-ons can be Industry Solutions, plug-ins, or customer-specific development projects. SAP offers Preconfigured Systems (PCS or SAP Best Practices) that can also be installed using SAP Add-On Installation Tool. A PCS reduces the amount of work needed to install and customize an industry-specific solution.
Subject to certain prerequisites, you can also use SAP Add-On Installation Tool to delete ABAP Add-Ons from the system.
SAP Add-On Installation Tool is delivered and regularly updated with the Software Logistics Toolset (SL Toolset). For more information, see

Apply SAP R/3 Support Packages, Patches, Service Packs using SPAM, SAINT
From time to time SAP does modifications to the various objects of
its R/3 software and makes the modifications available to the customers
in form of support packs and CRTs. Customers are required to check for
the latest updates on the changes being made by SAP to its software and
accordingly apply them at their installations. The support packs and
CRTs are made available by SAP on their Marketplace site
(earlier known as SAP Net)
The following is procedure to show you step-by-step process of applying different support packages into your system.
SAP_APPL (SAP R/3 Support Package)
Naming conversion of SAP_APPL is SAPKH<rel><no>
SAP_APPL Stands sap application platform
SAP_BASIS (Basis Support Package)
Naming conversion of SAP_BASIS is SAPKB<rel><no>
SAP_BASIS Stands sap basis component
SAP_ABA (Application Interface SP)
Naming conversion of SAP_ABA is SAPKA<rel><no>
SAP_ABA Stands sap cross application component
SAP_HR (SAP R/3 HR Support Package)
Naming conversion of SAP_HR is SAPKE<rel><no>
SAP_HR stands human resources
SAP_APO (APO Support Package): SAPKY<rel><no>
SAP_BW (BW Support Package): SAPKW<rel><no>
SAP_CRM (CRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>
SAP_SRM (SRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>
SAP_SEM (SEM-BW Support Package): SAPGKS<rel><no>
The following is procedure to show you step-by-step process of applying different support packages into your system.
- It is always advisable to first verify the SPAM/SAINT version in the system.
- If you do not have, download the latest SPAM/SAINT package.
- There are certain support packages, which require certain level of SPAM/SAINT. For such packages, you first have to update the SPAM/SAINT
- SPAM/SAINT update and support packs are applied through Transaction code SPAM.
- The SPAM/SAINT updates and support packs files are .CAR (compressed archive) files, which need to be unpacked. Each CAR files is an archive of two files.
- Supports packs for Applications area (i.e. changes made to the objects of various functional modules of SAP) are also known as HOTPACKS
What Is a Support Package?
- A Support Package is a quantity of corrected SAP objects. Support Packages Are required to correct errors in various components. This is done by replacing erroneous objects with corrected versions of these objects.
- Each software component has a separate sequence of Support Packages. The following list contains the technical names of a number of components and the notation for their Support Packages:
- COP (Component Package)
SAP_APPL (SAP R/3 Support Package)
Naming conversion of SAP_APPL is SAPKH<rel><no>
SAP_APPL Stands sap application platform
SAP_BASIS (Basis Support Package)
Naming conversion of SAP_BASIS is SAPKB<rel><no>
SAP_BASIS Stands sap basis component
SAP_ABA (Application Interface SP)
Naming conversion of SAP_ABA is SAPKA<rel><no>
SAP_ABA Stands sap cross application component
SAP_HR (SAP R/3 HR Support Package)
Naming conversion of SAP_HR is SAPKE<rel><no>
SAP_HR stands human resources
SAP_APO (APO Support Package): SAPKY<rel><no>
SAP_BW (BW Support Package): SAPKW<rel><no>
SAP_CRM (CRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>
SAP_SRM (SRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>
SAP_SEM (SEM-BW Support Package): SAPGKS<rel><no>
Why Support packages are required
- A support packages is a quantity of corrected SAP objects.
- Support packages are required to correct errors in various components. This is done by replacing erroneous objects with corrected versions of these objects.
- Each software component has a separate sequence of Support Packages.
Prerequisites of Support Packages:
- Login to 000 client with user like DDIC.
- Support packages and patches are applied in T-code SPAM (support package manager)
- No aborted packages should be available in the system.
- Download the support packages from marketplace.
- Always use the updated SPAM & SAINT versions to Apply Support Packages.
- There should be enough space in EPS directory to hold support directory.
- There should be at least two background processes reserved for this process.
- Functional and technical consultants should be around for applying changes to data dictionary elements and repository objects.
- Take the database backup before going to apply support packages.
- In order to avoid network congestion the files which are more than 10MB has to be applied through “application server”. Patches which are less than 10MB can be applied through front end
- There should be enough space in table space in the table spaces (DB02),it should not be above 90%.
- Apply patches in the sequence defined in the composite note. Patches can be applied individually or bundled together.
- Patches can’t be reverted by consultants, only SAP can revert patches by developing a negative patches if required.
- Schedule the downtime before going to apply support packages.
- Go through the composite note and document the sequence and CRT.
- Observe the system behavior.
- Check STMS configuration before going to apply support package.
- Before going to apply support package we need to check either any side effects if we apply the patch.
The support packages are needed to be applied to the system depending on the requirement from functional and technical consultants’ support package can make changes to objects are data dictionary level or at repository level. It requires to be applied during non-peak hours. It provides enhanced functionality. Sap recommended applying patches for the known problems.How to apply the downloaded SAP Support Packages and Patches
- You will get a pop up screen with the unapplied patches.
- Select the patch or group of patched that you want to apply and hit the enter key/icon.
- The patch number will be defined in the queue box.
- Goto Support Packages >> Import Queue or click the apply patch / import queue icon on the application toolbar
- After the patch is successfully applied, you will have to CONFIRM the patch application.
- Goto Support Packages >> Confirm Or click the confirm icon on the application toolbar.
- The traffic light in the status box should turn green.
- While the patches are being applied, it’ll prompt us for conformation of the changes, whether to keep the objects which have come from SAP patch or to keep existing customized objects.
- You can compare the changes and decide to keep the changes made to the system via OSS notes or return the objects to original.
For applying SPAM upgrage patch (KDVVVPP.CAR) use import SPAM/SAINT Update menu option.
Import from Frontend
for small files you can do this. It will upload from frontend to server and ask you to decompress. Once decompressed, click on New Support Packages/ Display button.
Once decompressed, click on New Support Packages/ Display button.
Check for logs
- At times depending on the situation, you may have to reapply the OSS notes after returning back the object to original
Errors and Problems
While applying a patch, if you get an error "CANNOT_CREATE_COFILE" delete the concerned file of the patch from the /usr/sap/trans/cofile and /usr/sap/trans/data directory. After deleting the files restart the process. The patch application may work.Eps in is in old format
If you are unable to upload the queue and you see a message like EPS in IS IN OLD FORMAT , check for the SPAM version and do a SPAM update. Delete the concerned files (i.e. the .ATT and .PAT files from the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory) and then decompress the .CAR file and continue with applying the support packs.Objects locked
There are also times when a patch fails because an object that it is trying to modify is locked by a change request. In such cases, identify the object and the change request and then using SE03 search for the object. Once you have identified the change request unlock the object and then Continue with the SPAM transaction. Sometimes the SPAM/SAINT Update process comes out with error. In such case just go ahead and start the SPAM update process again and it should go through fine.Objects locked
- Tp could not connect to database
- Tp may be older version or outdated
- No enough space in "eps/in" directory.
- Tp could not be executed.
- Stms is not configured properly.
What is SAPCAR
SAPCAR command is used to compress or decompress CAR files.What are CAR files
CAR files or Compressed ARchive files are compressed binary files similar to ZIP files. SAP updates always come in CAR format. You will need sapcar command to uncompress these CAR files. You can download sapcar from SAP Marketplace under SAP Software Download CenterFollow the below procedure to install
- Copy them to a temporary directory either in /usr/sap/trans/tmp or any other folder which you can create (say, patch)
- Change to the directory /usr/sap/trans (UNIX) or \usr\sap\trans (NT)
- Use the command SAPCAR -xvf The command SAPCAR is case sensitive
- The command SAPCAR will decompress the CAR file and put two files (with extensions .ATT and .PAT in the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory.
- Logon to the SAP system in client 000 as user DDIC
- Once in the system execute the transaction code SPAM
- Depending on what version are you in do the following
- Goto Support Packages
- Load Packages from Application Server
- You will get a pop up box with the list of the patches in the queue. Both the applied patches and the new ones will be listed. Hit the Back button to come to the main screen.
- Click on the Display/Define button on the screen
SAP CCMS Operation Modes
Now create Opeartion Modes
Click on Operation Mode/Create menu item.Now create Opeartion Modes
Click on Operation Mode/Create menu item.Give name and short description and click save. Repeate this for all the op modes. Once all the op modes are created you will see a list of op modes. Also you will see an additional op mode called DUMMY listed along with the ones create by the admins.
Assign a time table to the op modes.
Click on time table and choose normal operation and click on change button.Choose the time interval and click ASSIGN button. Next screen will let you choose an op mode to assign to the time interval chosen from the previous screen.
Choose the appropriate op mode and click OK to save. Now choose another interval and assign to another op mode. You need to repeat this step till all 24hr time slots are assigned to any op mode.
Now go to 'Operation Mode' view. Choose the instance name and click on menu 'Maintain instance/Work process distribution'
Double click on the '* All operation mode' and it will show you the following screen. In this click on other op mode button and then on click on operation mode entry field to choose an op mode.
You can right mouse click on a op mode and choose to delete it once its assigned to an instance.
Work process distribution for the op modes across the instances
Double click on the op mode to see the work process distribution dialog. Click on the Background or update or spool work process and use + or – button to increase or decrease the work processes.
Manually switching the operation modes.
- Choose RZ03
- system displays list of OP modes
Choose the target op mode by clicking on "Choose operation mode" button
- Choose the op mode and click 'choose'
- To switch all servers to the op mode chose in above step use:
- Control/Switch Operation Mode/All Servers
- To switch selected servers to the op mode chose in above step use:
- Control/Switch Operation Mode/ selected Servers
Logon Load Balancing in SAP R/3, Logon Groups, SMLG and CCMS Configuration for Basis Admins
What is SAP Logon Load Balancing?
- SAP R/3 Logon load balancing enables a SAP Basis admin to create various log on groups.
- Logon groups are logical groups of users that can be assigned to one or more SAP instances.
- A group GroupX, Once assigned to an instance I, all users who login using that group in the SAP log on pad client, will automatically login into the instance.
- If you have two instances I1, I2 then you can create two groups GroupX and GroupY and assign them to I1 and I2 respectively. You can also divide your users according to some criterion (such as Floor1 thru 5 will use GroupX and floor 6 thru 10 will use GroupY) and ask them to use only those groups.
- In SAP Logon Pad, you can create and delete logon group entries, remove instances from groups, and delete entire logon groups.
- When you call transaction SMLG, the CCMS: Maintain Logon Groups screen shows a table with entries for logon groups and the associated instances. An entry in this table, which is characterized by an instance and a logon group, is known as an assignment.
- A logon group to which multiple instances belong therefore consists of multiple assignments in this table, where an assignment contains one instance in each case.
How to Create a Logon Group or Assigning an Instance to a Logon Group
- Choose CCMS® Configuration logon Groups, or call transaction SMLG.
- Choose (Create Assignment), and specify the desired name of the logon group in the Logon Group input field. Enter the name of the desired Instance that is to belong to the logon group. The logon group SPACE is reserved for SAP; therefore, do not use this name.
- Repeat the last step until you have entered all instances that are to belong to the logon group.
- You can assign one group to one or more instances.
- Save your changes.
How to Delete a Logon Group or Removing an Instance from a Logon Group
- Choose CCMS® Configuration ® Logon Groups, or call transaction SMLG.
- Select any assignment for the logon group that you want to delete or from which you want to remove an instance.
- To remove an instance from the selected logon group, choose Remove Instance, enter the desired instance on the next screen, and confirm your choice by choosing (Delete).
- To delete the desired log on group, choose Delete Group and confirm your choice by choosing (Delete) on the next screen.
- Save your changes.
Changing Properties of an Assignment, a Logon Group, or an Instance
- Choose CCMS® Configuration ® Logon Groups, or call transaction SMLG.
- To change the properties of an assignment, double-click the assignment, and switch to the Properties tab page.
- You can change the following properties:
- IP address of the application server: Only enter a value in this field if the application server associated with the instance needs to be addressed by the front end with a different IP address to the one used for application server-internal communication. This value applies only for the selected assignment.
- Settings for external RFC call: You can use this indicator to determine whether logon using an external RFC connection is to be permitted. This value applies to the selected logon group.
- Threshold values for dialog response time and number of users logged on
How it all works
- If you log on using a logon group, the logon is automatically performed using the instance of the group that currently has the best dialog quality. This quality is a key figure that is calculated from the number of users logged on and the average dialog response time.
- To allow the different prerequisites of different instance to be taken into account in this calculation, you can set threshold values for the dialog response time and the number of users yourself. The larger the actual values for response time and the number of users are in comparison to the threshold values set, the lower the quality. These figures apply for the selected instance.
- The values for Response Time and Users are not absolute limits, but rather thresholds. Even if the current value for response time or number of users is higher than this threshold value, it is possible to log on to another instance. The threshold values only influence the calculation of the current logon server of the logon groups.
- You can use a preview to see how the settings of the threshold values can affect the quality calculation, based on the current performance data. Choose test to do this. In a logon group, the instance with the highest quality key figure is always selected for the logon.
- Choose Copy, and save your changes.
SAP R/3 Post Installation Procedures
Make sure all the below are uptodate
- Services
- Users at OS
- Shared folders
- Environment Variables
- File Systems
Install SAP GUI on client systems and create logon pad entries.
Run SAP Server using R/3 MMC or command line
Startsap name=<SID> nr=00 sapdiahost=host name
Stopsap name=<SID> nr=00 sapdiahost=host name
Dpmon pf=d:\usr\sap\DR1\SYS\profile\DR1_DVEBMGS00_ecc6server
Logon to SAP using GUI with SAP* or DDIC into client 000
Users we have to create super user, and change the standard password.Perform installation consistency check SICK/SM28
To find the inconsistency between os kernel ,db kernel and find inconsistency between patch levels Import.Import the profile parameters os level to sap level in RZ10
- change the work process parameters, memory parameters,
- login parameters and buffer parameters.
- set the parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 (in rz10)
Create SAP standard backgrpund jobs and schedule (SM36, SM37)
Create a new client and copy from 000 using local client copy (SCCL)
- development: customizing(cust), sandbox(sand)
- quality: test , pre test (ptst)
- production: production (prd).
Initialize CTS (TCODE: SE06) and Config TMS
- standard installation
- sytem copy or migration.
Select standard installation and check perform Post installation activites set cts and perform the following steps:
- Apply required support packs and install add-ons and pluggins (SPAM, SAINT)
- Create a local printer
- Check tablespace, free space stats and add required data files.
- Take initial DB Backup either online or offline
- Schedule SGEN
- Create required RFC connections using SM59
- Update DB Stats
- Install sap license
- Create users and check the user operations password never expires is set
Also do the following for sap accounts <sid>adm, sap service<sid>
- SAP router configuration: Configure sap router production System
- Check the system logs.
How to change/modify profile parameters in SAP R/3 - transaction RZ11
When you change the parameter, it is changed in Db only so when you
re-start the instance again the change will be lost. Need to click on
save button and the profile file will be saved and a backup is created
at OS level.

Click on Param Name button

If the required param is not in the listed 500 inputs, simply click on the down arrow button at the top of the above screen. Type in the parameter name partially with * before and after the partial name and hit enter. Choose the required param and double click.

Enter the param value and click copy. It will copy and notify you in the status bar "Changes were made". Now click on back arrow on the top and it will ask you to save the profile. Click OK and it will save the profile to OS.

Then it will ask you to change and activate the profile. Click ON and it will save the profile. Now open the profile in notepad and you will see the changes made to the instance profile (DEV_DVEBMGS_CHALAKI in this case)

Click on Param Name button
If the required param is not in the listed 500 inputs, simply click on the down arrow button at the top of the above screen. Type in the parameter name partially with * before and after the partial name and hit enter. Choose the required param and double click.
Enter the param value and click copy. It will copy and notify you in the status bar "Changes were made". Now click on back arrow on the top and it will ask you to save the profile. Click OK and it will save the profile to OS.
Then it will ask you to change and activate the profile. Click ON and it will save the profile. Now open the profile in notepad and you will see the changes made to the instance profile (DEV_DVEBMGS_CHALAKI in this case)
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